Normas para autores


Each number of Historia consists of two volumes that are published one each semester.  Volume I (January-June) includes articles and book reviews, while Volume II (July-December) includes articles and a bibliographical list with all recent scholarship titles about Chilean history published in Chile every year. The list also includes all works about Chilean history published abroad within the last year.

  1. Articles should be original works, previously unpublished (including printed and electronic media) and must only be submitted for evaluation to Revista Historia. They should be based on original research that is in its advanced or final stages.
  2. All materials should be typed 1,5 spaced and manuscripts must not exceed fifty letter-size pages in length (Times New Roman, font 12). Footnotes, graphics, pictures, illustrations, citations and bibliographic references must be included within that length.
  3. Authors should submit their work through our web page:
  4. If the article contains images, they should be sent separately in TIF format and have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. To send it through the web page please includes a compressed folder with the various archives. 
  5. Together with the article, authors must send an abstract (6 to 10 lines long) and between 4 to 8 keywords. The abstract should specify the article objectives; identify its main sources and the research results.
  6. The authors name should be followed by a footnote with the following information: last academic degree and the institution from which they received it, the institution to which they belong and their e-mail address. With a footnote at the end of the title, authors can indicate if the article is the result of a funded research project.
  7. The original articles published in Historia are property of the Instituto de Historia, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and it is necessary to seek permission from the General Editor, for any partial or total reproduction of the article, as well as to cite the original source of publication.
  8. The Editor of Historia will confirm the receipt of the articles submitted within three working days. The acceptance of the article will depend on the anonymous review of at least two academic peers in the field.  Based on the opinion of peer reviewers the Editorial Committee will decide to accept or decline the articles for publication and will notify the authors of the answer.
  9. Footnotes should be at the bottom of the page and should be presented in the following format:
  1. a)   When a work is cited for the first time, the note should include the author’s name and last name, the title (in italics), city, editorial, year of edition and pages. All this information should be separated by commas and not by periods. The following references to the same work should include the authors’ last name, followed by cit., and the page number.


  1. Kathryn Burns, Into the Archive. Writing and Power in Colonial Peru, Durham and London, Duke University Press, 2010.
  2. Burns, op. cit., pp. 38-41.
  1. b)   When an author has more than one work mentioned in an article (book or article), the first time that it is cited was mentioned above. If the work appears again write the author’s last name and the first two words of the work, ellipsis, volume –if appropriate– and pages.


  1. Kathryn Burns, Into the Archive. Writing and Power in Colonial Peru, Durham and London, Duke University Press, 2010.
  2. Burns, Into the Archive..., op. cit., pp. 23-30.
  1. c)   Only the title of books and names of journals should be written in italics. Titles of articles should be in quotation marks. In the case of articles following the name of the journal include the issue number, volume, city, year of publication and pages.


  1. William Skuban, “La apertura y el cierre de la frontera chileno-peruana: el plebiscito de Tacna y Arica, 1880-1929”, in Fernando Purcell y Alfredo Riquelme (eds.), Ampliando miradas. Chile y su historia en un tiempo global, Santiago, RIL Editores / PUC, Instituto de Historia, 2009, pp. 129-158.
  2. Ángela Vergara, “The Recognition of Silicosis: Labor Unions and Physicians in the Chilean Copper Industry, 1930s-1960s”, in Bulletin of the History of Medicine, vol. 79, n.° 4, Santiago, Winter 2005, pp. 723-748.
  1. d)   Ibid. (Without accents and in italics) is used to repeat the previously mentioned citation when it appears exactly the same.
  2. e)   If it is a document in an electronic format: Author(s) (name and last names in roman type) / Title (in italics if it is a book and between “commas” if it is an article), year of publication/ Available at: complete web address [Date consulted...].


  1. Kathryn Burns, Into the Archive. Writing and Power in Colonial Peru, Durham and London, Duke University Press, 2010. Available at:  [Date consulted: September 29th 2015]
  2. Ángela Vergara, “The Recognition of Silicosis: Labor Unions and Physicians in the Chilean Copper Industry, 1930s-1960s”, in Bulletin of the History of Medicine, vol. 79, n.° 4, Santiago, Winter 2005, pp. 723-748. Available at:  [Date consulted: September 29th 2015]
  1. f) In the case of archival documentary sources: author (s) is indicated (if applicable), title of the document or description thereof, place, date, file or repository where it is kept, series, volume and page or piece.


  1. Letter from the minister Antonio Varas to Bernardo Philippi, Santiago, May 28th, 1850, Archivo Nacional, Fondo Ministerio del Interior, vol. 220, f. 14.
  2. Copy of letter from Simón Bolívar to Simón Rodríguez, Sativilca, January 19 th, 1824, Archivo Nacional, Fondos Varios, vol. 256, piece 2.
  3. "Estado general de los valores y gastos que han tenido los ramos de Real Hacienda del Virreinato de Lima", December, 1789, Archivo Nacional, Fondo Gay-Morla, vol. 35, fs. 76-77.
  1. g) Journal articles: author (s) is indicated (if applicable), title or heading (in quotation marks), name of the newspaper (in italics), place of publication, page.


  1. Luis Valencia Avaria, "La declaración de la independencia nacional", in El Sur, Concepción, January 1 st, 1968, p. 2.
  2. "La aprobación unánime", in El Sur, Concepción, January 1st, 1968, p. 3.

Book reviews and review essays

Historia also includes reviews of recently published books as well as review essays, which contribute to a larger discussion about a particular book and its epistemological or methodological context or about various works that converge on a core concept or a common historiographic problem. Reviewers should send their text before March of each year and observe the following protocol:

  1. a)   The works reviewed should pertain to the humanities and social sciences and should be related to the history of Chile in particular or of America in general.
  2. b)   The works reviewed should have been published within the last two years.
  3. c)   The review should be no longer than six pages, written in Times New Roman 12, 1.5 space, and should be sent in Word format to the journals e-mail address.
  4. d)   The review should be a critical analysis of the book more than being a summary.  It should address the questions, hypothesis and objectives of the book in addition to discussing the methodology and the sources used, its argument and conclusions as well as its contribution to the ongoing debates on the topic. This should be done with the aim of giving specialists in the field a general idea about the book, its contributions to the field, as well as any critiques. Although any review should reflect a critical approach within disciplinary debates and address discrepancies, Historia will not accept book reviews that include non-academic comments –such as personal attacks– or reviews that foster discrimination in any of its forms.
  5. e)   Historia will not accept reviews where there is a conflict of interest between the author and the reviewer.  This is defined as having published or carried out a research or academic project together within the last five years. 

Historia also calls editorials and national as well as international universities, to submit their recent publications to be reviewed by specialists designated by the Editorial Board.  Books should be sent to: Jaime Valenzuela, Editor General, Instituto de Historia, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Casilla 306, Santiago 22, Chile.