Aproximaciones teóricas al régimen del dolor en el cuerpo de las mujeres

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Rocío Alorda Zelada


The Chilean Women’s Emancipation Movement, MEMCH, has an unpublished correspondence where women narrate the construction of the feminist movement between 1935 and 1940. In addition to outlining this political process, the letters are transformed into a physical support of their ailments and diseases. The pain regime and the articulation of the largest feminist movement in Chile are materialized in that correspondence, where the body and feminism build the political space for women. This article investigates the theoretical construction of that political body and the pain regime, reviewing main theoretical proposals from a biopolitical perspective of the body. This essay is a preliminary step to finding the vanishing points where pain is mobilized and converted into political action and/or Feminism


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Author Biography

Rocío Alorda Zelada, Universidad de Chile

Universidad de Chile