How to Combine Capital E and Capital I? Psychoanalysts and Writers in pursuit of double entropy enigma

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Jorge Manzi Cembrano


This article argues that the intersection between cybernetic entropy (loss of information) and thermodynamic entropy (loss of energy and disorganization of matter) could be considered a key enigma common both to psychoanalytic theory (since the Freudian 'death instinct') and contemporary literature inasmuch as it has been concerned with repetition as a new dominant of experience. The argument will begin by discussing the cybernetic turn proposed by Jacques Lacan in the Book 2 of his Seminar and will end by presenting the terms in which two contemporary authors -William Burroughs and Juan Carlos Onetti- dealt with the 'double entropy' enigma.


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Author Biography

Jorge Manzi Cembrano, Universidad de Sao Paulo (Brasil)

Universidad de Sao Paulo