El acoso al suelo de conservación de la Ciudad de México a través de los incendios forestales
Suelo de conservación, incendio forestal, análisis espacio-temporal, machine learning, Ciudad de MéxicoAbstract
This paper aims to carry out a space-time analysis of environmental harassment of conservation land through forest fires caused in this space within Mexico City. Official data from the National Forestry Information and Management System (SNIGF), the National Forestry Commission (CONAFOR), the Forest Spatial Data Infrastructure (IDEFOR), the Environment Secretariat (SEDEMA), and the Single Registry of Emergency Situations (RUSE) are used to characterize and measure this environmental harassment for the period 2015 - 2020. From these data, some spatio-temporal analyses are performed using traditional techniques and machine learning algorithms. The results indicate that during the period of analysis, the environmental harassment of the conservation land is systematically taking place at certain times and spaces, causing a deterioration of the surface and biodiversity that could be irreversible.
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