Land Use Changes, Agricultural and Livestock Activities and Early Environmental Intervention in a Border Town in Araucanía (16th-19th Century)


  • MARCO SISTERNAS VEGA Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
  • FERNANDO TORREJÓN GODOY Universidad de Concepción


Farming development, ecological landscape, Araucanía


By means of Spanish chronicles and colonial documents, land use changes, arming development and early environmental disturbances are reconstituted in an Araucanian boundary site (San Pedro, centra Chile). The results show the progressive pressure on the landscape caused by the Spanish-Creo e sett ement consolidation: i) indian economy modification; ii) San Pedro Fort foundation; iii) explotation of natural resources; iv) farming and cattle-raising activities based on exotic biological species; v) Lagunillas and Palco haciendas settlement. The fort and the haciendas are recognised as three radial poles of early environmental disturbance.



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Author Biographies

MARCO SISTERNAS VEGA, Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Facultad de Agronomía Universidad Católica de Valpaíso

FERNANDO TORREJÓN GODOY, Universidad de Concepción

Centro Eula-Chile, Universidad de Concepción


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How to Cite

SISTERNAS VEGA, M., & TORREJÓN GODOY, F. . (2021). Land Use Changes, Agricultural and Livestock Activities and Early Environmental Intervention in a Border Town in Araucanía (16th-19th Century). Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (29), 83–94. Retrieved from




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