Limarí River Basin, Semi-Arid Chile: Aspects of Water Supply and Water Supply and Demand


  • FRANCISCO J. FERRANDO A. Universidad de Chile


Water offer-demand, Climatic tendencies, Permafrost


In the semiarid region of Chile, how result of primary economical group products exportation increasing, the water offer-demand relation is in a light equilibrium situation, bringing instability to the exporter model. By one hand, the water demand is progressively increasing. On the other hand and according to climatic tendencies, a decreasing of the water resource offer is happen. Because this situation seems necessary a complete knowledge about the water resources availability and variability at this region. Consubstantially, a highlight situation occur with the register of perennial run off at the three principal river systems, even during droughts. This antecedent brings to think about the existence of underground water resources in aquifers as well as in permafrost forms, who are been evaluated has water source just in the last few years. Is not possible to refuse his permanent water contribution to superficial run off, to irrigation dams and to the Andean swamps.


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Author Biography

FRANCISCO J. FERRANDO A., Universidad de Chile

Geógrafo, Departamento de Geografía, Universidad de Chile.


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How to Cite

FERRANDO A., F. J. . (2021). Limarí River Basin, Semi-Arid Chile: Aspects of Water Supply and Water Supply and Demand. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (30), 23–44. Retrieved from


