Land use planning and southern railroad in Osorno and Llanquihue. 1860-1960


  • PABLO CAMUS GAYAN Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


land-use planning, economic production, communication routes, train


During the colonization of Osorno and Llanquihue, the river and lake waterways became the only means of framing the economic production of these territories, so that the population centers and territorial relations were organized according to these communication routes. The construction of the southern railroad modified this incipient territorial system. Although it consolidated the cities located where it was laid out, it also motivated the emergence and development of population centers based on its rural stations, initially intended to serve the needs of the railroad and the interest of the surrounding countryside, causing the decay of the rural areas. surrounding countryside, causing the decadence of those towns linked to the river and lake routes.


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Author Biography

PABLO CAMUS GAYAN, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Licenciado en Historia, Magfster en Asentarnientos Humanos y Medio Ambiente, PUC.



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How to Cite

CAMUS GAYAN, P. (2021). Land use planning and southern railroad in Osorno and Llanquihue. 1860-1960. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (24), 165–173. Retrieved from


