Dinámica sociodemográfica metropolitana y segregación residencial: ¿qué aporta la CASEN 2006?


  • Jorge Rodríguez Vignoli CELADE-División de Población de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) de las Naciones Unidas




Residential Segregation, CASEN survey, Metropolitan Area of Santiago


By processing microdata from the CASEN 2006 survey, the following findings arise: a) the Metropolitan Region of Santiago and the Greater Santiago Metropolitan Area (GSMA) continue to experience net outmigration; b) this condition is not driven by a process of “concentrated deconcentration” (as it is defined in the technical literature), but rather by a process of actual deconcentration; c) the territorial and demographic expansion of the GSMA is concentrated in three peripheral municipalities, where growth is driven by massive in-migration from other municipalities of the GSMA; d) in spite of its strong housing growth, the population residing in the municipality of Santiago is still decreasing; e) intrametropolitan migration does not help to narrow the deep residential segregation of the GSMA. These results, among others, have several policy implications andsuggest that the CASEN survey could become a powerful source for migration analysis during intercensal periods


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Vignoli, J. . (2021). Dinámica sociodemográfica metropolitana y segregación residencial: ¿qué aporta la CASEN 2006?. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (41), 81–102. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-34022008000300005


