The mortality decline in Chile: 1952-1989


  • MONICA GANGAS GEISSE Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Demographics, Mortality, Spatial distribution


Between 1952 and 1989 mortality is important thing for chilean population from demographic point of view. The going down of death rate, general and infantile, mean relevant demographlc development of chilean population, This changes are presentedtroughcartographic figures at regional and provincialscales; that figures showspacialdistribuüon ofmortality, includingthe effectofdifferentpublichealthprogrammescomingfrom stateaiahoritiesfor thebenefit ofpopulation.


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Author Biography

MONICA GANGAS GEISSE, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Instituto de GeografíaPontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


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How to Cite

GANGAS GEISSE, M. (1992). The mortality decline in Chile: 1952-1989. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (19), 23–33. Retrieved from


