Incorporating landscape cultural and aesthetical aspects in the analysis and strategies of Planning and Urban Design in a coastal settlement of Pelotas, in Southern Brazil

Incorporando aspectos culturales y estéticos del paisaje en análisis y estrategias de planificación y diseño urbano en un asentamiento costero de Pelotas, en el sur de Brasil


  • Gustavo Maciel Gonçalves Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Ana Paula Neto de Faria Universidade Federal de Pelotas







The cultural and aesthetical connection of coastal communities with the environment results in typical landscapes that have been despised by the cultural globalized scenario. This indicates the importance of the protection of local groups’ identity. A study was applied to a fishing village in Pelotas, RS, aiming to comprehend the cultural and aesthetical features of the local landscape and to discuss strategies for integrating cultural biases to Planning and Urban Design practice. In this way, two theoretical and methodological approaches were applied: subjective analysis (ethnographical and narrative ones) and objective (visual, typological and chromatic ones). The results pointed out the main cultural and aesthetical attributes of the landscape and allowed a broad discussion on Planning and Urban Design strategies as well as a good adequacy to the local specificities


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How to Cite

Gonçalves, G. M., & Neto de Faria, A. P. . (2022). Incorporating landscape cultural and aesthetical aspects in the analysis and strategies of Planning and Urban Design in a coastal settlement of Pelotas, in Southern Brazil: Incorporando aspectos culturales y estéticos del paisaje en análisis y estrategias de planificación y diseño urbano en un asentamiento costero de Pelotas, en el sur de Brasil. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (85). Retrieved from


