Produciendo el oasis, transfiriendo vulnerabilidades. Particularidades hidro-geomorfológicas y transformaciones socio productivas en el Valle de Uco, Mendoza, Argentina


  • Paula Mussetta Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina.
  • Nicolás Parise Schneider Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina.
  • Jorge Ivars Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina.



vulnerabilidad; oasis; aluviones; transformaciones socio-productivas; Valle de Uco; Mendoza


The recent process of expansion of the Uco Valley oasis towards the Andean foothills has been carried out by large agricultural enterprises. This advance modifies the alluvial channels of the area and produces new vulnerabilities that impact on other actors and sectors of the territory. Based on a mixed methodology between qualitative research techniques and a geographical analysis, we examine how the features of the dominant agricultural model in the region meet the hydro-geomorphological characteristics of this oasis, enabling a process of production and transfer of new vulnerabilities downstream. To explain this process we follow an approach based on a relational conceptualization of vulnerability and on the instrumental logic of producing the nature, typical of capital accumulation. Our analysis aims to make evident a phenomenon that tends to be invisible and highlights that the agricultural model is only successful for some at the expense of others.


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How to Cite

Mussetta, P., Parise Schneider, N., & Ivars, J. . (2020). Produciendo el oasis, transfiriendo vulnerabilidades. Particularidades hidro-geomorfológicas y transformaciones socio productivas en el Valle de Uco, Mendoza, Argentina. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (75), 131–151.


