Geomarketing: Desde una visión comercial a una aplicación social, en contextos metropolitanos


  • Elías Adolf Albornoz Del Valle Laboratorio de Economía Espacial (LEE), Departamento de Planificación y Diseño Urbano, Facultad de Arquitectura, Construcción y Diseño, Universidad del Bío - Bío
  • Francisco Javier Núñez Cerda Universidad del Bío - Bío
  • Carlos Mena Frau Universidad de Talca



Geomarketing; Sistemas de Información Geográfica; Análisis espacial; Planificación Urbana


The applied geomarketing, for commercial purposes, addresses elements of marketing, incorporating spatial perspectives, all supported by GIS. It analyzes market themes, collaborating in the private commercialization of goods and services, defining commercial geographic coverage and making these businesses profitable. These techniques also apply to the analysis and evaluation of projects effectively supporting social programs organized by the public sector or other users, meeting needs in urban communities: genesis of social geomarketing, a new orientation. It seeks to increase the welfare of citizens; Ex. Location of educational, health, sports equipment or support to the application of policies and programs to targeted beneficiaries. This article, based on I+D+i projects car- ried out by the authors, proposes a methodological and computerized systematization, to apply geomarketing from both perspectives oriented to the user. It identifies informa- tion, stages, own and shared processes, more results obtained. A commercial case and a social case are tried at the Centro Metropolitano de Concepción, Biobío Region, Chile.


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How to Cite

Albornoz Del Valle, E. A., Núñez Cerda, F. J., & Mena Frau, C. . (2020). Geomarketing: Desde una visión comercial a una aplicación social, en contextos metropolitanos. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (76), 143–167.


