Outcomes of territorial rural development promotion

Lessons from the LEADER programme in Spain in comparison with the Territorial Citizenship programme in Brazil


  • Eugenio Cejudo García Departamento de Geografía Humana, Universidad de Granada
  • Gabriel da Silva Medina Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, University of Brasilia
  • Francisco Navarro Valverde Departamento de Geografía Humana, Universidad de Granada




Territorial identity, neo-endogenous development, agricultural policy


Both Europe, through the LEADER program, and Brazil, through the Territories of Citizenship program, have made significant efforts in promotion of rural development. This study assesses the outcomes of these programs in relation to the principles that underpin the territorial rural development approach. Both initiatives were assessed based on official data on 6,225 projects financed in Andalusia (Spain) and 8,434 projects financed in Brazil. Despite their small budgets relative to other public programs, the assessed programs had generally satisfactory results. The projects’ beneficiaries represent, as a whole, the identity of the targeted territories, mainly in Brazil, where family farmers were prioritized in 100% of cases. The programs promote economic diversification, mainly in Andalusia, through investments in services to consumers in 34% of the projects and tourism in 12% of the projects. Innovation and participation of local community  members in decision-making processes were promoted in a reduced way in both cases. Both programs had positive impacts, as well as negative ones, which allows us to draw important lessons for future initiatives.


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Author Biographies

Eugenio Cejudo García, Departamento de Geografía Humana, Universidad de Granada

Dpto. de Geografía Humana. Profesor Titular de Universidad. Director del Dpto. de Geografía Humana

Gabriel da Silva Medina, Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, University of Brasilia

Profesor Asociado

Francisco Navarro Valverde, Departamento de Geografía Humana, Universidad de Granada

Profesor Contratado Doctor


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How to Cite

Cejudo García, E., da Silva Medina, G., & Navarro Valverde, F. (2021). Outcomes of territorial rural development promotion: Lessons from the LEADER programme in Spain in comparison with the Territorial Citizenship programme in Brazil. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (80), 293–311. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-34022021000300293


