Landscape connectivity analysis for three species of high-andean predators as a tool for their conservation




Mesopredators, fragment, habitat, Reserva Forestal Protectora Productora Cuenca Alta del Río Bogotá


The potential distribution of the cusumbo, fox and oncilla in the northern sector of the Sabana de Bogotá, region of Colombia that presents a high transformation due to anthropogenic activities, was evaluated, finding an area of 108749.88 ha available for the distribution of the cusumbo, 93899.64 ha available for the fox and 81014.15 ha available for the oncilla. In addition, functional connectivity for species was evaluated from a threshold distance determined as the radius of the area of action reported for each species and connectivity at a distance of five times the radius of the area of action, resulting in a Comprehensive Index of Low connectivity (IIC) for the three species: 0.189 and 0.542 for the cusumbo, 0.212 and 0.417 for the fox and 0.185 and 0.361 for the oncilla. The connectivity of the species was also evaluated in a future scenario, in which the only fragments of habitat available are those of the Protective Forest Reserve Producer Cuenca Alta del Río Bogotá, presenting a total absence of connectivity for the three species. Evidencing the need to implement actions for the preservation of existing forest fragments and increase their connectivity, with strategies such as live fences or archipelago reserves.


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Author Biographies

Juan Sebastián Jimenéz-Ramiréz, Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia



Hugo Fernando López-Arévalo, Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia



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How to Cite

Jimenéz-Ramiréz, J. S., & López-Arévalo, H. F. (2021). Landscape connectivity analysis for three species of high-andean predators as a tool for their conservation. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (80), 271–291.


