Dynamics of employment in sectors of intensive use of knowledge in the Megalopolis of the Valley of Mexico, 2014-2018


  • Iván Vilchis-Mata Conacyt-El Colegio Mexiquense A.C (México)
  • Carlos Garrocho-Rangel El Colegio Mexiquense A.C (México)
  • Tania Chávez-Soto El Colegio Mexiquense A.C (México)




Qualified human capital, knowledge intensive sectors, Spatial Shift-Share, analysis


Qualified human capital is key to the progress of cities. The objective of this work is to answer the following questions: how much, where, in which sectors, when, and why did employment change in knowledge-intensive sectors (KIS) in the Megalopolitan Region of the Valley of Mexico, its main cities, and in its municipalities? This Megalopolis is the main engine of national development. It is necessary to understand the dynamics of the Megalopolitan KIS employment, to take advantage of its positive effects, and prevent negative ones. The analysis period is 2014-2018: it covers the last section of the Free Trade Agreement between Mexico, the United States, and Canada, before the modifications negotiated in 2019, and almost a whole period of the federal government. The method is Spatial-Shift Share Analysis (SSS). It was possible to identify ascending territories, and others in dramatic decline. We translate the SSS concepts into causes of employment change, measure the changes at three spatial scales (megalopolitan, metropolitan and micro-spaces), and linked the changes to specific companies and products, in particular territories and sectors.


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Author Biographies

Iván Vilchis-Mata, Conacyt-El Colegio Mexiquense A.C (México)

Catedrático Conacyt


Carlos Garrocho-Rangel, El Colegio Mexiquense A.C (México)

Profesor-Investigador El Colegio Mexiquense A.C.


Tania Chávez-Soto, El Colegio Mexiquense A.C (México)

Profesor-Investigador El Colegio Mexiquense A.C.  


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How to Cite

Vilchis-Mata, I., Garrocho-Rangel, C., & Chávez-Soto, T. (2021). Dynamics of employment in sectors of intensive use of knowledge in the Megalopolis of the Valley of Mexico, 2014-2018. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (79), 229–251. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-34022021000200229


