Open Letter to the Design Community: Stand Up for Democracy

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Ezio Manzini
Victor Margolin


There is no need to point out that we are now in difficult and dangerous times. For many years we were living in a world that, despite its problems, has been nevertheless engaged in a democratization process whereby human rights, fundamental freedoms and opportunities for personal development were increasing. Today, this whole picture has changed. Attacks on democracy are active in several countries, including the ones where democracy seemed to be unshakable. In these new times, the design community (practitioners, researchers, theorists, students, journalists, publishers and curators who are professionally involved in designrelated activities) should stand up, speak out and act.


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How to Cite
Manzini, E., & Margolin, V. (2018). Open Letter to the Design Community: Stand Up for Democracy. Diseña, (11), 11–17. Retrieved from