Nobody is Safe

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Rodrigo Opazo


This article is a reedition of some aspects addressed previously for a thesis dissertation, work that concentrated around the historic and subjective narratives about death. In the first part it presents information on the theoretical framework of the thesis and the characterization of the four stages through which the attitude of the European person towards death has gone through, from the Middle Ages until today, according to historian of mentalities Philippe Ariès. In the second part the project is set out and the context, the strategy, the graphic guidelines and the functioning are described. The project, entitled “Nobody is safe”, evaluated with maximum honours, seeks to deliver information, testimonies, interpretations and actions of artistic nature that can bring people closer to a taboo subject: death.


Article Details

How to Cite
Opazo, R. (2016). Nobody is Safe. Diseña, (10), 208–214.
Author Biography

Rodrigo Opazo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, School of Design


Designer, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.


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