Experimental Design as Archeological Practice

Main Article Content

Diego Gómez-Venegas


This article presents an approach to design which is understood as an archaeological practice; that is, an inquiry that —from the Foucauldian theories— seeks to unravel the epistemic orders embedded in the machines; to show the modes of knowing they install in culture, and in society. Thus, the archaeology of knowledge is introduced as investigative approach within the realm of human sciences and, then, as a methodology for the analysis of culture in the field of media studies, through Friedrich Kittler’s and Wolfgang Ernst’s ideas. Then, an experimental design project, a thesis of the Universidad de Chile, is commented on to exemplify the modes in which such perspective transforms the activity of design and its disciplinary categories. Finally, the text draws a methodological proposal for this design, mapping out an institutional context where this proposal can be developed in full.


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How to Cite
Gómez-Venegas, D. (2018). Experimental Design as Archeological Practice. Diseña, (12), 150–171. https://doi.org/10.7764/disena.12.150-171
Original Articles (part 1)
Author Biography

Diego Gómez-Venegas, University of Chile

Designer, Universidad de Chile. Master of Fine Arts in Design Media Arts, University of California, Los Angeles. Assistant Professor in the Department of Design at the School of Architecture and Urbanism at Universidad de Chile. He creates and researches technical devices, their agencies and their epistemic conditions. He has received scholarships from the Fulbright Commission and the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research of Chile. Some of his latest publications include CyberSyn: Hacia una arqueología de los lenguajes mediales y visuales (with Manuela Garretón, Polígrafa, 2017) and Naturaleza Ex-novo: aparatos agonistas para el rediseño de la naturaleza y sus márgenes en Chile (with A. Álvarez Dumont, Kepes, vol. 14, No 16).